The one thing that truly satisfies
Dear church family
Many followers of Jesus know the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman and the interaction He had with her at Jacob's well in Shechem. If you don't know this story it can be found in John 4. It is a long passage and often people stop at verse 30 as the crowds come flocking towards Jesus upon the woman's testimony: "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?" It is interesting that the Samaritan woman's invitation to her fellow villagers - "Come and see…" is the same invitation Philip, a Jewish man, extended to Nathanael in John 1:46.
This past week I was reading the conversation Jesus had with his disciples later in the chapter when they rejoin him from verse 31 onwards. They try to convince Jesus to have something to eat - the journey across the region would be tiring, Jesus already said to the Samaritan woman he was thirsty, it is unclear whether he ever got a drink or if in her excitement she went back to the village with her bucket and left Jesus sitting there! Now as the disciples speak to Jesus about food, again he takes the opportunity to speak about deeper things (just as he did with the Samaritan woman about water earlier).
"My food", said Jesus, "is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work" - John 4:34
Jesus finds his satisfaction and fulfilment in doing the will of the Father and finishing the work, it is that which sustains him and nourishes his soul. Can we say the same thing? What is it that feeds us? What are the things we look to? The one thing that truly satisfies and provides lasting fulfilment is to do the will of the Father and finish his work, just as the water Jesus gives earlier in the chapter - the Holy Spirit - is the water that truly quenches our thirst and wells up to everlasting life, and the Holy Spirit is given to us so that we can do the will of the one who sent us and finish his work. This is our food and drink as followers of Jesus.
Jesus goes on to say, "Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." He says this in contrast to their expression, "It's still four months until harvest", in other words, be patient, don't expect a harvest when you have only just planted the seed. But Jesus is saying, look at the crowds coming from this Samaritan village upon the testimony of this woman, her invitation to "Come and see", the harvest is already here, you need to open your eyes! He goes on to say others have done the work - the Old Testament, the prophets, previous generations, perhaps also the sovereign work of God through the power of the Holy Spirit - now you get to reap the benefits and bring in the harvest!
We have been entering into a time of harvest in our nation, the fields are ripe! This past week I was with leaders from around the world in Istanbul discussing the acceleration that is taking place in church planting globally, as we made plans to reach many people groups who still have not heard the gospel. It is thought that by 2033, we can have the Bible translated into every language in the world (there are over 3000 languages left to go!). This is a time of global harvest!
We are living in a time where the harvest is being brought in. Our food is to do the will of the one who sent us and to finish his work! We get to be part of this as a local church. How is God calling you to take part?
SUNDAY GATHERING - 10:30AM Join us this Sunday! For those who are unable to attend in person please join us on YouTube:
IMMERSE THIS SUNDAY - Encounter, Engage, Empower! Join us for worship & prayer this Sunday evening from 7pm
CHRISTMAS REAL MEAL Calling all men! Join us at the Woolpack as usual at 7pm on Monday 2nd December. Cost is £20 for a two course dinner. £10 deposit to Ben Oliver or Mark Giles to book your space. Book early to avoid disappointment due to limited numbers.
CHURCH FAMILY CHRISTMAS MEAL Full Christmas meal with all the trimmings for all the family! The leadership team are excited to serve you!
Book your place asap:
*please book for every person attending
PRESCHOOL NOMINATION If you have a moment, please nominate Preschool for this 'Movement for Good' £1,000 prize draw, thank you!
JOB OPPORTUNITY EXTENDED DEADLINE Our Preschool is looking for an Early Years Educator. If you are interested in the role or know someone who might be, you can apply for the role or get more information here:
For those who would like to attend, Doreen's Crematorium service is at 12:30pm on the 29th November at Charing Crematorium
Sun 24th Nov Immerse Sunday Evening Service | 7pm
Mon 2nd Dec Christmas 'Real Meal' Mens Meal | The Woolpack, Smeeth | 7pm
Sat 7th Dec A Very Messy Christmas More info to follow...
Tue 10th Dec Church Family Christmas Meal 6:30pm
Fri 13th Dec Youth Christmas Party 7-9pm | For years 7-13
Sat 14th Dec Young Adults Christmas Meal & Movie Night 5-10pm | Age 18-30
Sun 15th Dec Fancy Dress Christingle 10:30am
Sun 15th Dec Carol Service 6pm
Mon 16th Dec Tots Christmas Party 10am
Fri 20th Dec Community Carols At The Warren, Brabourne | 6pm
Sat 21st Dec Christmas at The Well 9am - 12noon
Sun 22nd Dec Christmas for Everyone 10:30am
Sun 22nd Dec Carols by Candlelight 6pm
Tue 24th Dec Christmas Eve Communion 7pm
Tue 24th Dec Midnight Communion Service At BBC | 11:45pm
Wed 25th Dec Christmas Day Service 10:30am
Sparks / Flames / Firestarters | Sunday mornings | Side Hall & The Well | Age 0-3, 3-6, 7-10
Blaze | Sunday mornings upstairs in The Well | Years 6-8
Ignite | Friday | 7-9pm | Main worship space | Years 7-13
Furnace | Mondays | 7-9pm | Katie's manse | Years 9-13
The Well | Open Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays | 9-12
Crafty Cuppa | Thursdays every other week | In The Well | 2-4pm
Brabourne Craft Group | Fourth Thursday of the month | 10am-1pm | Brabourne Baptist Church
Renew Wellbeing | Tuesdays in The Well | 2-4pm
Prayer | Before our Sunday service | front of church | 9:45am
Early Morning Prayers | Thursday mornings | 6:30am | Join here:
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