Calming the storms
Dear church family,
The storm yesterday reminded me of the story in Matthew where there was a great storm on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus and his disciples were travelling on it in their boat. While the storm was going on Jesus was asleep and the disciples, clearly distressed, awoke him saying, 'Lord, save us! We're going to drown!' Jesus replies to them, 'You of little faith, why are you so afraid?' Then he got up and rebuked the winds and waves and it was completely calm.
While the storm yesterday may have had a little effect on our lives, it got me thinking about the storms that can often go on in our heads. These can be storms of anxiety, storms of overthinking, storms of fear and so on. When things are blowing round and round in our heads it can distract us from our relationship with Jesus and from focusing on him.
Once the disciples had awoken Jesus in their panic he says to them, 'You of little faith, why are you so afraid?' I remember reading this a long time ago and thinking it was a bit unfair to the disciples as it probably was quite scary. However, in their panic they had forgotten who was in the boat with them. Similarly, when we panic about things and worry, we forget who is in the boat with us. Jesus was at the beginning of time, at creation itself and knows all that was, all that is and all that will be. The disciples did not need to worry because God incarnate was in the boat with them and had the power to calm the storm immediately.
When we turn to Jesus in our times of panic, anxiety or whatever else is creating a storm in our heads, he can calm it. When we remember that the same Saviour who conquered death cares for us and our wellbeing - we can have faith that all will be well. No matter what you are facing at the moment – Jesus is in the boat with you so there is no need to fear. Invite him in to calm the storms going on in your head remembering that He is the prince of peace.
With love,
Katie x
SUNDAY GATHERING - 10:30AM Join us this Sunday as we continue our series on Church Family. For those who are unable to attend in person please join us on YouTube:
AGM NEXT WEEK We are really looking forward to this years AGM on 9th November - which we are calling our 'Annual Gratitude Meeting' where we will be trying out a new layout in the room (watch this space!), celebrating what God has done and looking ahead to the next year with expectant faith, making some key decisions along the way.
THE 'REAL' MEAL Monday 6th November. Men getting real with God and one another. Come and quench your thirst, enjoy some food, make new friends and chill out together. Join us at The Woolpack Pub, Smeeth & Brabourne Lees at 7pm for 7:30pm. £10 per person.
Please email or let Ben Oliver, Mark Giles and Jerry Newsom know by the Friday before each event if you are coming.
LOVE WILLESBOROUGH MEETING Join us on Wednesday 8th November at 7:30pm for a team meeting as we build up towards blessing our community this Christmas!
LOST PROPERTY - TUPPERWARE Thank you to anyone who has provided us with food in tupperware containers. We do however, have lots of of containers that have not been collected yet. If you think some of it may be yours please collect as soon as possible as we will be disposing of this if it is not collected.
The 'Real' Meal | 6th November | Woolpack pub (Smeeth/Brabourne) | 7pm
Love Willesborough Meeting | 8th November | Main worship space | 7:30pm
AGM | 9th November | Main worship space
Lead Theology Course | 11th November | 9:30am-1pm
Brabourne Craft Group | Fourth Thursday of the month | 10am-1pm | Brabourne Baptist Church
Sparks & Firestarters | Sunday mornings | In the church hall | 0-3 & 4-10 year olds
Blaze | Sunday mornings upstairs in the well | years 6-8
Ignite | Friday | 7-9pm | Main worship space | years 7-13
Furnace | Mondays | 7-9pm | Katie's manse | years 9-13
The Well | Open Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays | 9-12
Crafty Cuppa | Thursdays every other week | Next session 16th Nov | In The Well | 2-4pm
Love Willesborough Knitting & Crochet | Wednesdays | Main worship space | 7-8:30pm
Renew Wellbeing | Tuesdays in The Well | 2-4pm
Prayer | Before our Sunday service | front of church | 9:45am
Early Morning Prayers | Thursday mornings | 6:30am | Join here:
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